
As a Corneotherapist, I specialise in helping my clients to repair and maintain an intact and healthy skin barrier. Without an intact and healthy functioning skin barrier, we are susceptible to all sorts of skin issues and premature aging.

In the past, people thought that the outermost layer of our skin was dead. We now know that isn’t true. Our outer layer of skin (stratum corneum) is a biologically active cellular tissue. The stratum corneum plays a significant part in our overall skin health because it communicates with the underlying epidermis and influences the renewal processes in deeper layers of the skin.

Dr Alber Kligman (Retin-A co-inventor) established the stratum corneum’s importance and significance and the appropriate interventions and topical treatments. Dr Kligman labelled this group of therapies “Corneotherapy.”

As a practising corneotherapist, I follow the principles of corneotherapy. Using the right skincare ingredients and the correct skin treatments, I help my clients repair and maintain a healthy functioning skin barrier.

You can learn more about corneotherapy at The International Association of Applied Corneotherapy


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